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QCR Launches New Customer Portal

Sue McConnachie   |     Jan 24, 2025

Quality Credit Reporting is committed to protecting personal information and customer data. With this in mind, we have developed a new customer portal which will offer you a Secure Information Exchange which provides best practices under Canadian legislation and Proposed Legislation.

What are the Proposed Changes to Canada’s Current Privacy Le...

Sue McConnachie   |     Sep 27, 2023

In 2022 the federal government introduced a complete overhaul of the private sector privacy laws, designed to regulate an organization’s privacy practices to further protect individual’s personal information. The CPPA will replace the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) which has been in existence since 2001. CPPA is built on the foundation of PIPEDA and its ten fair information principles, but the draft of CPPA proposes changes, some of which include the following:

5 Initial Steps to Commence Preparation for the Upcoming Con...

Sue McConnachie   |     Feb 07, 2023

1. Transparency

In order to comply with the CPPA businesses must take the steps to make information available to the public.  This publicly available information should be provided in “plain language” and include elements such as types of personal information under its control, how it is used, retained and whether any interprovincial/international data transfers occur.


Sue McConnachie   |     Jan 10, 2023

Changes are on the way in 2023 due to the introduction of Bill C-27, which is comprised of three different legislations. 

Quality Credit Reporting Celebrates 30 Years in Business 199...

Sue McConnachie   |     Jan 27, 2022

As we look back on our 30 years, we would like to thank our dedicated staff and loyal customers, many of whom have been with us since year one.  We started small, our niche market being commercial property management. Our growth over the years has led us to become Canada’s primary national provider of credit reporting for property managers and landlords (insurance companies, developers, and pension funds).  

    Quality Credit Reporting is North America’s premiere credit reporting agency, committed to providing unparalleled, high-quality reports and services.

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