Full Service Solutions for The Property Management Industry
Our suite of products consists of comprehensive reports tailored to the specific need of our property management customers and are designed to minimize risk and maximize returns.
The information provided in every report is current and accurate, which is integral to the decision-making process for property managers and will help you enhance your risk management and acquisition initiatives.
Prospective Tenant Reports: Qualify your prospective tenant with a comprehensive report revealing the essential information to make the right decision. Confirm the credit worthiness of the applicant, based on a full credit profile which includes current ratings from banks, landlords and trades. These references, combined with current corporate status, lien registrations, collections, legal actions and repayment history, result in the most complete report in today’s market.
Renewal Tenant Reports: Review your tenant with a fresh assessment of risk to ensure that they can continue to satisfy the obligations of their lease. It is important to note that during the course of a lease, a tenant’s financial situation often changes.