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Commercial / Individual Reports

We offer a variety of credit reports to help ensure that your company receives the information it needs to make the most informed decision.

We are able to evaluate companies, including corporations, partnerships, and sole proprietorships, as well as individuals, such as officers, directors, business owners, prospective partners, and consumers, in a variety of industries.

Our main areas of focus for credit reporting are:

  • Establishing Credit Terms
  • Approving Potential Customers
  • Approving Potential Suppliers
  • Entering into a Partnership / Joint Venture
  • Acquiring a Business


Commercial Business Credit Reports

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  • Personal Background: Confirmation of personal information, including legal name, current address, and social insurance number.
  • Criminal Record Search: A nationwide search of the CPIC (Canadian Police Information Centre) database will provide information concerning any record of convictions or pending charges for which the applicant has not been pardoned.
  • Consumer Credit History: Summary of the applicant’s credit history, documenting borrowing facilities including credit card and loan balances as well as repayment history.
  • Land Title Sub-Search: Confirmation of ownership in real property, including details regarding purchase price, mortgages and last assessed value.
  • Bank/Investment Account Balances: Confirmation of deposit and investment account balances through financial institutions, brokers or recent statements.
  • Education Verification: Verification of the prospective applicant's post-secondary education; including degrees, diplomas and certificates.
  • Current Employment Verification: Verification of current employment, start date, position and salary through human resource departments.
  • Collection History: A detailed history of collection actions launched against the applicant
  • Bankruptcy History: Examination of Government records to determine history of bankruptcies and consumer proposals under the Bankruptcy Act.
  • Legal Actions and Judgments: Detailed particulars of pending legal actions and judgments obtained against the applicant.
  • Media Search: In-depth media monitoring includes full-text news, business sources, and blogs extracted from major Canadian dailies and newswires, regional community papers, TV and radio transcripts.
  • Global Terror Watch lists and OFAC/SND Violations: Confirmation of matches on Foreign/ Domestic sanctions and watch lists.
  • Confirmation of Assets: Verification of assets including bank account balances, investments, business interests and ownership in real property.
  • Confirmation of Liabilities: Verification of liabilities including credit card balances, mortgages, term loans, lines of credit and leases.
  • Banking Relationships: Validation of banking relationships and respective account balances.
  • Disclosure of Derogatory Credit Information: Summary of critical credit information including late payments, NSFs, collection claims, legal actions, judgments, and bankruptcies/ consumer proposals.
  • Professional Accreditation Search: A search is completed when the applicant is a registered professional. Confirmation of registration within the applicable association reveals status, date of registration, and other significant particulars. Details may include negative information regarding disciplinary actions, suits, and complaints.


  • Corporation Profile: The full legal name is confirmed, along with its legal corporate status, which verifies that the company is active and in good standing with Companies Branch and Corporate Tax Branch (Canada Revenue). Default notices, cancellations, and dissolutions are confirmed, along with name changes, operating names, date of incorporation, addresses, officers, directors and shareholder particulars.
  • Sole Proprietorship / Partnership Search: For sole proprietorship or partnership (general/limited), current and up-to-date information is collected from the Ministry in the applicable jurisdiction. Details regarding start date, status, address, partners and proprietors are confirmed.
  • Bank Ratings: Current information is obtained directly from banks and financial institutions. Term loans and operating lines are confirmed, including authorized limits, current balances and repayment history. Deposit account balances are identified and NSF activity reported.
  • Supplier References: Trade references are contacted for current information regarding account balances, credit limits, payment terms and experience.
  • Commercial Credit File: The file will provide a list of trade items that reveal historical payment trends and experience.
  • Collection History: A history of collection actions launched against the company are revealed.
  • Legal Actions and Judgments: Pending legal actions launched and judgments obtained against the company in question are noted and particulars of the subject cases provided.
  • Land Title Sub-Search: Confirmation of ownership in real property, including details regarding purchase price, mortgages, and last assessed value.
  • Personal Property Lien Registrations: PPSA updates identify security agreements and liens, including borrowing facilities, lines of credit, term loans, lease facilities, and chattel mortgages. Negative registrations may include tax liens, writs, land charges, crown charges, and statuary claims.
  • Bankruptcy History: Government records are examined to determine a history of bankruptcy, consumer/commercial proposals, debt consolidation orders, receiverships and CCAA filings.
  • Banking Relationships: Confirmation of banking relationships, including current deposit account balances, term loans, operating lines, and NSF activity.
  • Confirmation of Liabilities: Validation of liabilities including credit card balances, mortgages, term loans, lines of credit and leases.
  • Confirmation of Assets: Validation of assets including bank account balances and ownership in real property.
  • Disclosure of Derogatory Credit Information: Summary of critical credit information including late payments, NSFs, collection claims, tax liens, legal actions, judgments, bankruptcies, and proposals.

Request a Sample Report

To learn more about our comprehensive credit reporting products, get in touch with us and request a sample report. Sample reports are available for commercial and individual assessments, property management, franchisors, legal & debt recovery, OEM dealer development, and human resources.
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