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Request a Sample Report Or Guide

To learn more about our comprehensive credit reporting products, get in touch with us and request a sample report or summary guide. Please, feel free to share the report with your colleagues and be sure to give us a call to discuss any questions you may have.

Sample Guides

Our Guides will outline the various areas that are covered within our property management reports, as well as highlight key areas that may require special attention within the applicable reports.


By requesting a Guide, you will also see, first-hand, just how easy we make enhanced screening, allowing you to make well-informed decisions quicker than ever before.  

Sample Reports

Each of our sample reports provides you with a detailed snapshot of all the information you will receive when you order one of our extensive, in-depth and easy-to-use credit reports. 


You will be able to walk through the report and see, first-hand, the type of information you can expect and how it is presented.


Depending on the type of Report or Guide you wish to sample, information you will see could include:


  • Personal Background 
  • Employer Details
  • Banking Relationships and Account Balances
  • Real Property Listings 
  • Derogatory Information 
  • Corporate Status and Structure 
  • Business Affiliations 
  • Legal Actions and judgments
  • Media Coverage 
  • Verification of Education, Employment and Accreditations
  • Drivers Abstract 
  • Credit Check 
  • Criminal Record 
  • Reference Verification 
  • Listing of Assets and Liabilities

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