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Download Your Guide to The Asset Report for Skipped & Delinq...

Sue McConnachie   |     Dec 14, 2021

We’re pleased to share with you a new ebook, “Your Guide to the Asset Accumulation Report for Skipped and Delinquent Tenants”, providing an overview of the 26 sections contained in our Asset Report.

Franchisors Should be Aware of all the Information Available...

Sue McConnachie   |     Dec 06, 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic has made financial screening for the prospective franchisees even more vital in a time of economic stability, the search begins for franchisees for new locations and to replace failed franchises. Taking the time to thoroughly screen your prospective franchisees is more critical than ever, as the economy has suffered a significant financial blow.

The last thing you want to do is select the wrong franchisee – someone who will negatively affect your brand image, resource management, and ultimately your success.

The problem is that the world of franchising is always changing and it is becoming harder and harder to determine which franchisee applicant will have the greatest likelihood of success.

Tenant Renewal – Be Aware of Changes in Your Tenant’s Financ...

Sue McConnachie   |     Oct 18, 2021

A change in corporate status, increased debt, defaulting with the Canada Revenue Agency and creditors, decreased liquidity, delinquent activity, a change in the corporate name or in the jurisdiction in which your tenant can do business - these are just some of the many changes that could occur from the time your tenant signed their original lease to the time they sign their renewal.

Being unaware of these changes could be detrimental to your continued success in property management.

That is why you need to treat each renewal tenant as you would a prospective tenant, screening them prior to renewing.

Approving the Tenant, Assignee or Subtenant in Todays Sublea...

Sue McConnachie   |     Sep 13, 2021

It is difficult to assess the full impact on the commercial market, created by the Covid-19 interruption. However, it is predictable that there will be substantial increases for subleasing and assignments, particularly in the office market. With the spread of Covid-19, brought the shift to work from home, leading certain departments to operate remotely with productivity success. Tenants are now exploring downsizing current space through assignments and sublets.

Where Are We Headed with Delinquent Commercial Tenants?

Sue McConnachie   |     Sep 02, 2021

Many months after the initial covid shutdowns, courts continue to hear disputes over unpaid rents between commercial landlords and tenants. With stay-at-home orders and so many restrictions on non-essential business activity, many tenants across the country have struggled to meet their lease obligations.  

What is the Value of the Existing Tenant Base for Income Foc...

Sue McConnachie   |     Jun 16, 2021

When working in the real estate advisory and commercial property investment industry, due diligence is critical to successful purchase. This is especially true when it comes to assessing the value and quality of an existing commercial tenant base and the future income stream of the property.

Go one step further. Look beyond the past performance of the existing tenants as it is not always a reliable indicator of future performance. 


Sue McConnachie   |     Feb 05, 2021

Covid-19 is having a devasting impact on the global economy.  It raises significant implications for commercial landlords and their tenants facing the crisis.  The landlord is placed in a precarious situation during these times and is encouraged to improve their lease negotiations to protect their rights. There are several measures to help with protection, including comprehensive credit reporting, ensuring a guarantee or indemnity and requesting letters of credit and larger security deposits. These measures can assist should a tenant become delinquent or bankrupt. 

Verify Financial Stability and Character in Franchisee Candi...

Sue McConnachie   |     Jan 20, 2021

Does Your Application Process Confirm the Financial Capabilities and Character of Your Candidate?

The success of your franchise depends on a number of factors, one of the most important being the people that represent your brand. Recruiting the best franchisee for your operation is critical to the success and reputation of your organization.


Sue McConnachie   |     Dec 08, 2020

What could have changed since the original lease was executed?

  • The full legal corporate name due to an amendment or amalgamation.
  • Corporate Provincial status.
  • The jurisdiction in which a corporation is registered to do business.
  • Default with Companies Branch and Corporate Tax Branch.
  • Increased debt (including mortgages, lines of credit, term loans and credit cards).
  • Decreased bank account balances.
  • Delinquent activity (late payments, collection claims, legal actions, judgments or bankruptcy).

Locate Assets for Successful Debt Recovery

Sue McConnachie   |     Dec 02, 2020

You need the best information possible prior to launching a legal action against a debtor or attempting to enforce a judgment. The defendant’s financial worth will significantly impact the likelihood of recovery.

Obtain the accurate picture of the defendant’s circumstances so that you will know if the legal costs incurred are going to be justified by successful collection. Guesswork is risky for the outcome and unnecessary. Take the extra step by using Quality Credit’s Asset Accumulation Report and make an informed decision regarding next actions.

    Quality Credit Reporting is North America’s premiere credit reporting agency, committed to providing unparalleled, high-quality reports and services.

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