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Understanding Comprehensive Prospective Tenant Reporting

Sue McConnachie   |     Feb 12, 2024

As a Property Manager or owner, you want to make the best possible decision when evaluating a prospective tenant in order to reduce risk and increase success. QCR has been North America’s preferred Commercial Credit Reporting Agency specializing in the Property Management Industry for over 3 decades. We developed an investigative approach to reporting, concentrating on providing the industry with a report that combines current, up-to-date and historical information.

This complimentary guide presents the information you receive in our 
Comprehensive Tenant Report. We explain the relevance of the information included, and how to interpret the data, and we offer insight into sections that can be especially helpful in making an informed decision.

Can You Recover Unpaid Rents For Last Year’s Skipped and Del...

Sue McConnachie   |     Jan 30, 2024

During recent economic challenges and uncertainty, the number of Skipped and Delinquent Tenants is on the rise. Being a property manager brings with it the potential for serious risk, liability and consequences at a time when the scales of justice seem tipped in favour of the delinquent tenant. Once a tenant has gone delinquent, property managers must decide whether to proceed with legal action, and after all, if there is minimal probability of recovering the debt, why incur the costs of legal action?

What are the Proposed Changes to Canada’s Current Privacy Le...

Sue McConnachie   |     Sep 27, 2023

In 2022 the federal government introduced a complete overhaul of the private sector privacy laws, designed to regulate an organization’s privacy practices to further protect individual’s personal information. The CPPA will replace the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) which has been in existence since 2001. CPPA is built on the foundation of PIPEDA and its ten fair information principles, but the draft of CPPA proposes changes, some of which include the following:

Assessing OEM Dealers, Operators & Invested Principals

Sue McConnachie   |     May 19, 2023

OEM Commercial Credit Reports collect information that details financial and credit history and provides a risk assessment for prospective dealers, operators, invested principals and/or general managers.

Unlike many reports, an Enhanced Commercial Credit Report goes even further, helping you draw more sophisticated conclusions while identifying any worrisome patterns that could have an adverse effect on your business.

Mitigate Risk – Review our Guide to Franchisee Financial Scr...

Sue McConnachie   |     Feb 28, 2023

As a Franchisor, you want to make the best possible decision when evaluating a prospective franchisee in order to reduce risk and increase success. We can help with that!

This complimentary guide presents the information you receive in our Comprehensive Franchisee Screening Report. We explain the relevance of the information included, how to interpret the data, and we offer insight into sections that can be especially helpful in making an informed decision.

5 Initial Steps to Commence Preparation for the Upcoming Con...

Sue McConnachie   |     Feb 07, 2023

1. Transparency

In order to comply with the CPPA businesses must take the steps to make information available to the public.  This publicly available information should be provided in “plain language” and include elements such as types of personal information under its control, how it is used, retained and whether any interprovincial/international data transfers occur.


Sue McConnachie   |     Jan 10, 2023

Changes are on the way in 2023 due to the introduction of Bill C-27, which is comprised of three different legislations. 

Property Management Resources to Mitigate Risk

Sue McConnachie   |     Dec 20, 2022

All areas of commercial property management can be exposed to risk. To mitigate these risks, it is important to take advantage of all the tools available to you whenever possible. 

Successful Income Focused Property Acquisitions – Assess the...

Sue McConnachie   |     Oct 28, 2022

When working in real estate advisory or the commercial property investment industry, due diligence is critical to a successful purchase. This is especially true when it comes to assessing the value and quality of an existing commercial tenant base and the future income stream of the property. 

Identify Your Delinquent Tenant’s Assets and Liabilities

Sue McConnachie   |     Sep 16, 2022

Begin the debt recovery process - identify your delinquent tenant's assets and liabilities. Being a property manager brings with it the potential for serious risk, liability and consequences at a time when the scales of justice seem tipped in favour of the delinquent or "bad" tenants. Once a tenant has gone delinquent, property managers must decide whether to proceed with legal action and after all, if there is a minimal probability of recovering the debt, why incur the costs of a suit? The QCS “Asset Accumulation Report” is designed specifically with your skipped and delinquent tenants in mind. It is the most comprehensive report offered in today’s market and has been successful in assisting the property management industry in making decisions regarding the next course of action.

The “Asset Accumulation Report” will identify assets and liabilities and locate the tenant for service purposes. This report will help make decisions at different stages, from the time the tenant first falls into arrears to the time the tenant makes the midnight move. The report assists the landlord when dealing with a rent abatement situation or considering terminating a tenant's lease for unpaid rent. To take legal action or not?
This complimentary guide presents the information you receive in our Asset Accumulation Report.  We explain the relevance of the information included, how to interpret the data, and we offer insight into sections that can be especially helpful in making informed decisions. 
In this eBook, you will:  

    Quality Credit Reporting is North America’s premiere credit reporting agency, committed to providing unparalleled, high-quality reports and services.

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